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The people-first workplace learning platform

Schoox offers a platform designed for real learning throughout your entire organization, from the frontline to the corporate office. It delivers the skills people need, creates opportunities for learners to thrive, and provides the flexibility required to take learning to the next level and drive your business forward.


The all-in-one workplace learning platform

Everything you need to deliver an impactful workplace learning experience in one platform.


Focus on learners first, and results follow

Empower your workforce to thrive with a central hub for all things learning and development featuring engaging learning opportunities, dynamic skills data, and personalized career paths that let people take charge of their professional growth.

More about Learning Focus on learners first, and results follow “Asynchronous content combined with on-the-job training helps us ensure that managers in one location are receiving the same level of training as managers in another part of the country. Schoox gives us the best of both worlds.”
Derek Fournier Vice President of Training and Engagement
Focus on learners first, and results follow

Curate content from anywhere

Keep your learners engaged and curious by offering compelling, curated content from across the web, your own subject matter experts, or industry-leading content partners.

More about Content Curate content from anywhere "Uploading and creating content is so easy with Schoox."
Al Oliveira Human Resources and Safety Manager
Curate content from anywhere

Make essential connections

Boost productivity through personalized content recommendations, interactive course experiences, social collaboration features, and engaging workflows. Schoox inspires connections that improve knowledge sharing and build a culture of growth.

More about Engagement Make essential connections “We introduced Schoox so we could launch a digital learning program that engages our franchisees and their crew members and connects them to the business. Schoox definitely helps us reach our broad audiences.”
Kelsey Dockins Senior Director of Communications and Training
Make essential connections

Unlock potential through learning and development

Learning and development are better together. Leverage the power of AI-enabled skills mapping, coaching, goals management, and more to encourage your people to reskill, upskill, and drive their careers forward.

More about Talent Development Unlock potential through learning and development "Now the company is able to manage training and development for everyone from one single 'port of call.'"
Alex Frady Manager of Learning & Development
Unlock potential through learning and development

Uncover the insights that matter

Quantify the impact of L&D initiatives on your bottom line. Gain visibility into learning activity, skill gaps, training ROI, performance improvements, and progress against organizational goals that affect strategic business outcomes.

More about Business Impact Uncover the insights that matter “As we have grown, so have the demands for an advanced learning management system. We chose Schoox to enhance how learners experience our brands and provide the robust learning and comprehensive reporting we need to support our plans for growth.”
Chris Titshaw Senior Director of Training & Development
Uncover the insights that matter

The learning platform IT and security teams love

Beyond the front-end functionality that learners and business leaders love, IT and security pros give our workplace learning platform's technical capabilities two appreciative thumbs up.

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Interested in the Schoox Learning Platform?

Schoox makes learning fun and engaging for your learners, empowering your business to achieve more.
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Interested in the Schoox Learning Platform?